
You are welcome to come along to Christ Church any Sunday of the year, whether you’ve been to church all your life or have never stepped through the doors before.

Most Sundays we have the following services:
9.00am: a formal service, usually Holy Communion
10.30am: a more contemporary, informal service

Children’s and youth groups meet during the 10.30am service and are delighted to welcome new members. Tea, coffee and croissants are served from 10.00am-10.30am, between the two services.

Once a month instead of our normal Sunday services we meet for our all age ‘Sunday Celebration service’ (with brunch!) at 10.30am and ‘Contemplative Communion’ at 6.00pm. You’ll find upcoming dates on the pictures opposite. On these Sundays there is no 9.00am service.

Occasionally (e.g. at Christmas, Easter, Remembrance Sunday) we meet together as a whole church community and have just one service. We also have occasional evening services too. If you want to check the times for a particular Sunday please check out our Facebook or Instagram, or drop us a line: