Are you ready to be part of our community at Christ Church Chester?
We have lots of things you can get involved with!
If you want to get to know more people within the church and find what we do you’re in the right place, The weekly activities include;
Connect Groups: A place where you can meet with others from the Church and explore faith and understanding in the scriptures, whilst building community together! Please do get in touch with Shona Hayes for more details –
Drop In (for homeless and vulnerable people): Drop in is a place where you can give back to others that aren’t as fortunate. if you are interested in helping making food or as a support worker please contact Sue our coordinator.
Students work: This is based at 18-25’s who are at University. Christ Church Chester have always had a big flow of students, and we hope to always provide a space for them to feel welcomed, loved, challenged, supported and encourage in their studies and their faith. If you want to hear more, please contact Shona Hayes or Dion Turnbull, the Student Ministry Coordinators – /
Children’s Work: At Christ Church Chester we have a children’s Group that takes the children out of the beginning of the 11 o’clock service to have fun and learn about the Christian Story in all different ways. Please contact Hannah for any questions –
Helping Sunday Happen: Sunday is for everyone to come together in community and worship our Lord Jesus. but we always need help before and during the services. These roles include
- Host team who provide a welcome and hosting for newcomers
- Bible readings and intersessions in services
- Flowers and Cleaning,
We really would love the help! contact Christ church admin if you are interested.
Equally, if you want to sign-up to our weekly newsletter, you can sign up for it here: Christ Church Sign-up