God’s Invitation : The Gates of Thanksgiving : Graham Shaw : 02Oct16

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The Gates of Thanksgiving

Exodus 27:16

For hundreds of years the Jewish temple was the way the Israelites met with God. As God continues to invite us to meet with him in our lives today, what can we learn from this ‘temple model of worship’ that He laid out in the Old Testament?
Graham explains how easy it is to forget all the blessings we have, especially ongoing blessings. We take it for granted and lose grip on reality.
The solution: thankfulness. It is a discipline to pause and say thanks.
A model for giving thanks
  1. Spiritual thank you for jesus, thank you
  2. Physical thank you for me, health, who we are
  3. Emotional thank you I can experience things
  4. Intellectual thank you for intellectual blessings
  5. Material thank you for clothes, money. roof etc
  6. Relational thank you for people you put around me



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