Hello Christ Church,
1. Tots & Tinies – Thursdays
2. This Sunday’s 2 New Services! – 10.30am and 6.00pm – DON’T MISS THEM!
3. Warm Welcome Space – Every Monday
4. Messy Church – Saturday 4th February
5. Bring & Share Lunch – Sunday 5th February
6. Spare Phone?
7. Securely Single – Wednesday 25th January
8. Songs of Praise – Saturday 4th February
9. Epiphany at Chester Cathedral – Friday 17th February
Every Thursday, 10 – 11.30am during term time.
This Sunday 22nd January come along to an exciting, new all age service at 10.30am, with a delicious continental brunch being served beforehand from 10.15am! It will be an interactive, fun, informal service with crafts, all age worship, prayer and Bible readings. ‘Sunday Celebration and Brunch’ will also happen on these Sundays – 26th February, 26th March and 23rd April so get these dates in the diary today!
There will be no 9.00am service this Sunday or before the future Brunch services, but instead, this Sunday and on the corresponding dates, there will be a new Contemplative Communion service at 6.00pm with silence, peace prayer, Bible readings, sung worship and Holy Communion. Something else to get in the diary!
If you or someone you know would like to be in a warm space for a few hours, please let them know that the Mission House is open each Monday 10.00am – 2.00pm. Hot drinks and biscuits are served, hot toast is available along with toys, board games, jigsaws, newspapers and there is free WiFi.
Even more dates for the diary! The next Messy Church afternoons are coming up on Saturday 4th February 4.00 – 5.30pm and also on Saturday 1st April. Great fun for primary age children and their families.
You thought we’d finished with the diary dates didn’t you?! Wrong! Here are some more – Bring & Share Lunch is happening on Sunday 5th February, 3rd March and 2nd April. Bring savoury or sweet edible gifts to the table and share fellowship and food together after the 10.30am service.
Does anyone have a spare phone in good working condition that they would be willing to donate to church? If so, please let Anna know.
Are you single and would you like to find out more about how to be secure in your singleness? ‘Securely Single’ is a Christian five week online course starting Wednesday 25th January 7.30pm on Zoom. The cost for the five sessions is £20 – go online to check out the website and book www.securelysingle.co.uk.
From the Songs of Praise Team – “Songs of Praise is coming to Chester Cathedral, and we would love you to join us for an early Easter celebration! Come and join the congregation for the recording of hymns and songs, including ones for Easter amongst many others, at 1.30 – 4.30pm on Saturday 4th February 2023. All tickets to our recordings are free of charge. To apply for tickets, please contact SOPcongregations@afantimedia.tv with your name, contact number and the number of tickets you’d like. Please be sure to include ‘Songs of Praise Chester’ in your subject header. We look forward to seeing you there.”
“The Space, an opportunity to rest, relax and receive. Join us on Friday 17th February for an hour-long show performed by Epiphany ‘in the round’ beneath Gaia with musicians moving amongst the audience throughout the performance. Performances at 11am, 2pm and 7pm, Tickets £8 per person. Pre-booking essential. Participants are invited to bring their own cushions/yoga mats to lie on the floor if they wish to do so. Seating will also be provided. To protect the Cathedral finances in these challenging times, and to conserve energy as we approach the Church of England’s desire to be carbon neutral by 2030, the building’s heating will not be in use during Gaia’s time with us. Do wrap up warm. The Space is one of our events supporting the Gaia installation at Chester Cathedral.” For other ‘Gaia’ events and to book visit https://chestercathedral.com/gaia-events/.
As ever, please do keep checking our website www.christchurchchester.com, Facebook www.facebook.com/christchurchchester and Instagram www.instagram.com/christchurchchester pages for regular updates, and don’t forget to ‘like and share’ on Facebook!
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So here it is, my very last weekly email for Christ Church…this day has arrived and I’m so very torn – I’ve loved this role from the beginning, but I’m quite sure retiring is the right thing and it’s the right time; doesn’t make it any easier though…
A huge thank you to all the people who have supported and loved me so well during the past almost nine years, it’s been a blast!
Today, the lovely staff team treated me to a very decadent Afternoon Tea in The Palm Court at the Grosvenor, Pulford – we can all highly recommend you try it!
As always, thank you for reading!
God bless and goodbye…